⇉ :fr: parles français? envoyes un message à notre assistant Sae pour aide: ⇉ :es: ¿hablas español? mensajea a nuestra moderadora Sae o a nuestra moderadora Heath por si necesitas ayuda: | Speak another language? Here are some people to contact when in need of translations. This section will consist of what you can do when you first joined here! Hope you'll check them out. ⇉ 05) Check out the Chiaki AI Help Tool for all the information about the guidelines, PSAs, mods and more : When posting art you made, please add atleast one WIP or angle shot. Crediting is required in this amino when you're not posting your own art. ⇉ 04) Another PSA you should check out is the Art Crediting PSA. Don't be a disrespectful nor rude person. It goes over important points that should be followed during chatting. ⇉ 03) Do check out the Chatroom Etiquette PSA. ⇉ 02) Read over the and PSAs! Rules such as no harassment, inappropriate and off-topic content, spam, etc. PSA about it here : *Please report it to the mods immediately.

⇉ 01) Do not click any ominous and sudden links you get from low-levelled members - that's a possibility of a phisher coming for your information. Let's start off with the basic but crucial rules of this amino.